Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Time for Jon Math

Here is my plan for reaching 1300$ by the end of May.
300$ from the parents. First time they'll give me more than ten dollars.
200+ dollars from Park St.
150$ from selling things on Craigslist.com. I've got a stationary bike, Air Hockey table, large dog crate, and a the legos sold for 70$
100+ from this blog. Keep it up! Stay interested.
Then I would need 550$ more.
I've 100$ currently. So that brings it down to 440$. So I would need to work only 7 days with my fajah at 60$ a day. Which leaves 20$ to find somewhere else, or just work more which I will probably do anyways because I need money.
So, all I need to do is sell more stuff, work, and get more people to read this stuff.
Also, last night I ordered a little usb mixer. It was only 50$ so I was like, "Why the hell not?"
NB. Legos sold aready. So thats minus 70$ from the end total.
Update. Lady bought my old Bionicles too. So thats 110 of the total. Only 1090 to go.

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