Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Ahhh Desicions........

So right now, I have 1125$. This leads to the question, on B&H, the company's website where I was planning on buying the 003 rack+ is now out of stock and has been for about two or three weeks. They have the model thats a step down for 150$ less. but thats not really too much.
So the question is, should I wait? And possibly risk them not restocking? Or should I buy the lower model, and settle. I need 25$ regardless, but that's nothing.
What to do!? What to do...
I'll figure it out by tommorow hopefully, because if I order it tommorow or Friday, I'll have it before I leave for MI for a week. Or I could wait till I'm in MI, but again, risk them not having it by then, and I'd be stuck with nothing for a couple days after I get back.
Its a matter of less than three weeks and 150$.

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