Thursday, April 30, 2009

Super New, Super Tenative Plan

So after talking to the Mominator, I think I've devised the newest, most likely super badass idea.
So currently, the house next door to mine, which my family owns, is for sale. (BUY IT) Now thanks to our ever so caring president, there is a 20% tax on capital gains. Capital gains is any money you make from the original price of the house. So imagine you buy a cd single at the store. and you come to realize its worth more than you bought it for. If there was a tax on that, you would pay 20% to the government of your profit. I'm rather unsure of how this is going to help the economy, but if Obama says it will, it will. Right?
Anyway, IF the house sells, to avoid paying the tax, we would have to buy another house of equal or greater value. We could always pay the tax, but right now since houses are so cheap, especially in MI (theres ur RHCP ref Aaron), we might be able to buy a house in Grand Rapids, or TWO. So if that were to work out, I could fix it up on weekends and during free time. Then live there sophmore year. Maybe build a studio in it. Superbadass right? So like the title says, this is all speculation, but a posibility. Stuff in Michigan is so cheap right now that if someone in Milton sold their house now, even for less than it's worth, you would most likely be able to buy a bigger house for less, OR buy one the same size and a small cottage. So "ressecion"? maybe.
Entirely bad and life ruining, no.

Bayside, New Found Glory, and other bands.

Tonight, I've got the NFG/Bayside show. I'm not a huge fan of NFG. I saw them last year, I think, with Senses Fail and TREOS, and they were alright, but I had to elave early so I can't really give them a fair shot. But I'll see them tonight. Anyone know if they're on Warped this summer? Anyway, I'm gonna try to find any of the Bayside guys, see if I can convince them to give me an email or something. I'm tryin to make as many connections as I can before WT, and hopefully, HOPEFULLY, I'll have at least 6 songs entirely done and on cds. Misha from JLG already said he'd be down to listen to it. So he's one person. Jack seems like the kinda guy who would give it a fair shot. I don't know about the other three guys, because I couldn't find them after the last show.
N.B. Just checked the warped site, NFG is not playing this year.
Anyway, with classes almost over, I'll have more time to work on the songs. Three are just about done, need some leads and those other instruments. But really who needs those?

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Halo 3 all nighter.

So I was watching the WGC Ultimate Gamer last night, and I believe the night before. One of the things they did, was an all night Halo competition. If someone wanted to sit out, they could but the game would keep going. and they actually had to stand the whole time. So there was some endurance involved. So I was thinking it would be pretty intense to do the same thing.
So anyone interested leave a comment.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Weekly Review NUMBA ONE!

So since I've got this time waster goin, I'm gonna start reviewing cds I own. If you have a suggestion on an album, hit me up in the comments or wherever. So... what to start with...?
Gatsby's American Dream and the Volcano! I absolutely love this album. The guitar work is amazing, Nic Newsham's vocals are great and catchy, Rudy kills it on the drums, and the bass isn't overpowering, but doesnt fade into the background either.
The first song on the record, Theatre is also the only single on the album that I know of. This is the song that led me to buy the cd. Its got a great drum part over the bridge and the chorus is pretty catchy, although "chorus" isnt entirely applicable.

The second song, Pompeii, is less straightforward than Theatre. It has no chorus, like most GAD songs. What I like about this song, is the different parts it has. I doesnt repeat any particular riff or progression. It starts off mid tempo, pumps up to a double time feel, then suddenly slows down to half of the original feel.

The Guilt Engine is one of my favorite three tracks on here. "My shame is cold like a grave but my lust is hot like an engine." I really like that line. The song seems to describe how life is about holding things in, "I am ticking on like a bomb," and the regret that goes with that. "Maybe I could make this right."

The fourth song, A Mind of Metal & Wheels, isn't my personal favorite, but it IS good. Nick's vocals are quite good on this track. The best way I could describe the song is to use Nicks' words, a "sweet tragedy." There's also a good bit of non-drum precussion that fits in very nicely.

Fable is (I believe) about the show Lost. "We came here on a plane, never going home, not really." Again, this is one of the few GAD songs with a chorus, althought not exactly the same on the second. The song is shortm but memorable. Another of my favorite three.

The next song, The Giant's Drink, shows one of the many qualities that I enjoy about Gatsby's. The way that some of the songs share lyrics or an idea. This will be more evident after "Meet Me at.." But this song has a dynamic about it, the imagery, and the tones. It takes you in, and releases you.

Shhhhhh! I'm Listening to Reason would have to be my third favorite song. Also this song shares the line "It's not the same, It's not the same," with a song on the previous full album, Ribbons and Sugar. Its great to listen to because it has very discernable parts. Each riff has a different feel to it. The song starts out with an organ and guitar, and ends with a gang vocal that caries the melody to the end.

The next song, whose name will take me longer to type than the song actually is, Meet Me at the Tavern in Bowerstone, is a full 28 seconds. Its fast paced and short. The lyrics here feed off of the song above, The Giant's Drink.

Your Only Escape is one of the only songs on this album that I always seem to forget. I KNOW the lyrics, and I know how it goes as soon as I hear it, but when not listening, it slips the mind. But it should be mentioned that it is not filler. It is good!

The Hunter is relatively open. The lyrics are self-explanitory. "If there's a place that good folks go, All I know is that they'll never let me in." Its almost a sense of despair, yet the mood of the song keeps it on a lighter level, serious without being morbid. It's introspective with "What can save me?" but again, not dreary.

One of the final songs, Speaker of the Dead, connects with Fable, again sharing lyrics and music. This gives the album a sense of completeness that you cannot get with a run of the mill pop cd. Although lacking on time, its lyrics are memorable, "Who will remember you now? Dead and gone." I will.

The second to last song, Badlands, is actually a re-do. The song was orginally available on Gatsby's E.P, In the Land of Lost Monsters (available on This version is very apparently cleaned up. Like most of this album, the work in the studio has paid off. Vocal effects give the listener a sense of emptiness, or distance from Nic. The end builds up with "a tragic fall from grace, and we're still falling just like the dinosaurs." (Which are on the cover of GAD's EP!)

The closer on Volcano, The Loosing of the Shadow, closes our reoccuring theme (a volcano, in Pompeii in case you don't read song titles.) This song was a perfect choice for them to end with. Its fast tempo keeps your attention, but the song ends in a short feeling 2.36. The song is from the point of view of the volcano itself. "I am a volcano and I'll hurt you all." Not too hard to understand.

So those are the songs. The album was produced by Casey Bates and Tom Pfaeffle. Casey did their final album also.

Beepbadabeepbeep THIS JUST IN

Apparently it is illegal to ask for money online. So, please by all means, DO NOT GIVE ME ANY MONEY. (If you do want to, please send it to my house. Check or money orders are fine.)
Thank you.


So I got my cheap-ass xlr cable today. I was thinking, the upside to online shopping is the anticipation and receiving it, opening it, and all that. The downside is that its harder to pay attention to how much you're spending. When I ordered the cable, I also bought a stand and a tab book. So in an effort to get free shipping, I spent an extra 35 dollars. Ironic.
But it IS one more thing closer to being able to get this e.p./album done.
Just need the 003 really.
2 mics, guitar, got Sam's drums, my brother is getting a bass, which I will effectively steal. and what else is there? I supposed after the 003 I could push for the MicroKorg or Micron. Still don't know which of those to get though. Supposedly the Korg has better sounds, but the Micron has more positive reviews.. I'd ask the guys at GC but theyre useless. Gotta ask the Danman.

Damn, I must be bored.

Since theres SOO MANY people checking out the bloggeroo, (Aaron)
I'll just lay out my basic plan and money spending guide for you (me).
Theres 1300$ for the 003 Rack+

Already have two Shure Beta 58A's.

Trying to decide between MicroKorg or Alesis Micron. Both go for 400$

Somewhere in here, I'll need a monitor, stage or studio, for listening and whatnot.

Maybe buying a mixer later at some point. Not sure yet.
Anyway, if you feel compelled to help out, HELP ME OUT! Ahem, a dollar, TWO even, anything is appreciated. I feel really slow, because I've been typing this and trying to figure out these damn ads for about an hour and a half. Is 10 bucks worth it? We'll find out.


Monday, April 27, 2009

Boredom takes it toll on us all.

So here we go. I need money, I need to ocupy the time that I should be doing things like homework and,... *cough* thats about it. So while I'm not doing that, I'll update this and practice correct spelling, punctuation, and grammar. (Oh, Shit. When did this become work!?)
Moving on, check out stuff, click on ads! (Pretty PLEASE!), and tell me you hate it!
Whatever gets you off. PEACE.